Our main operation center is located in Callao, being the only one nationwide capable to serve small and large Vessels, as well as Peruvian Naval Units. With a 300,000 m2 area, docks and large slipways, we develop shipbuilding projects up to 50,000 DWT, and repairs for all types of vessels up to 25,000 DWT. Likewise, we have properly equipped workshops for metal-working activities and a center specialized in weapon and electronic systems.

Currently, we look into the future with the Extension and Improvement of the Naval Arsenal of Callao, a project that comprises convergence of several specialties, materialized by building a transfer yard, berths, quays, a syncrolift system and a hangar to provide mayor modernization and maintenance services for submarine units.


Avenida Contralmirante Mora N° 1102, Callao - PERÚ.
14 kilometers from Lima, capital city of Peru.


SLIPWAY 1 203 m 30 m 27000 t
SLIPWAY 2 261 m 36 m 50000 t
DRY DOCK 194,85 m 26,80 m 25000 t
FLOATING DOCK 104 115,80 m 23,30 m 4500 t
FLOATING DOCK 107 125,96 m 15,50 m 3800 t
FLOATING DOCK 106 87,84 m 13,72 m 1900 t